Canon 5D Mark IV and Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L II Sample Photos in Italy

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. 


It’s amazing how long it takes me to get around to posting photos sometimes, but I think the main problem is that I just take way too many photos with way too many cameras! I can’t help myself though! Today, I wanted to share all of my favorite digital photos that I took on my trip to Italy. Mostly because I feel like my digital photos never see the light of day. I always take my Canon 5D Mark IV with me on my big trips because I love it so much, but I mostly take photos with it as backups in case my film photos don’t turn out. But the photos are so beautiful and sharp and lovely to look at, so I decided they deserve their own blog post! You guys know I love the Canon 5D Mark IV, particularly with the Canon 24-70 mm f/2.8 L II lens. It’s the perfect combination for weddings and travel. You can read my full review of the 5D Mark IV here, or my review of the 24-70mm f/2.8 lens here!

The first part of our trip was spent in Tuscany for my sister’s wedding! We stayed at the Borgo Tre Rose (which was the most gorgeous hotel/wedding venue I’ve ever seen in my life)! We went truffle-hunting (you can book a tour here!) on our first night there and it was so incredibly magical. The houses and buildings in Tuscany are absolutely stunning. Every corner was picturesque and begging to be photographed. We watched a beautiful sunset over the farm as we followed the owners and their dogs through the woods, searching for truffles. We ended the evening with a delicious meal, prepared with the truffles that we found on our hunt! It was so memorable and definitely a great way to kick off our trip to Italy. We drank wine all night long, ignored our jetlag, and lived fully in the moment. It was the best.

We also visited Montepulciano, Pienza, Florence, Rome, and Vatican City. I always find that the trouble with traveling is that you can never actually cross anything off your list. Now that I’ve seen all of these places, I just want to go back and visit each and every one, plus all of the beautiful towns we saw on the way to each one! There’s just too many places to travel to in the world!

The good news is that going through these photos helps me to sort out my memories (and my hard drives!) and I always love reliving our travels. Italy is definitely one of those places that we absolutely have to go back to at some point. It’s just perfection. The scenery. The food. The wine. It’s incredible. There are dozens more photos from our trip at the end of this post, so make sure to scroll down!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope this post gives you an idea of what the Canon 5D Mark IV is capable of and why I love it so much. Especially when you use a zoom lens, there’s really no landscape, portrait, or lighting setting that you can’t capture. It’s an incredible camera, though it is a bit of a hassle to lug around when traveling. But it’s always always worth it in the end. There’s nothing worse than those moments in life when you ask yourself, why didn’t I bring my camera?!

If you found this post helpful or inspiring, I’d love it if you considered signing up for my Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you’ll get early access to all of my YouTube videos, plus tons of photos that I don’t post anywhere else. Depending on which tier you choose, you could also receive seasonal prints and/or discounts! I always use all of the proceeds towards cameras, film & processing. Find out more here!

If you have any questions, I’m always happy to help! You can contact me here, or leave a comment below! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a magical day!

<3 Myles Katherine




KEH Camera (used)

CANON 24-70 MM F/2.8 L II LENS:



KEH Camera (used)

(click images to enlarge)

Contax T2 35 mm Camera Review with Samples Photos | Is the Contax T2 Really Worth the Hype?


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Here we go - the famous Contax T2. I was one of the lucky ones and picked up a Contax T2 before they became one of the most sought after point-and-shoot 35 mm cameras out there (thanks a lot, Kendall Jenner)! I think I paid about $500 for one in near mint condition, but now they’re going for anywhere from $750-2000 depending on the condition. The question is -

Is it Worth All of the Hype?

The Contax T2 has a lot of amazing features that many of my other 35 mm point-and-shoot cameras do not have. It has a sturdy and beautiful titanium body, a SUPER sharp and crisp Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 38 mm f/2.8 lens and features such as aperture priority, flash, exposure compensation and manual and automatic focus controls. It has many of the features you’d expect in a larger, professional camera, but is small enough to fit in your pocket. When it first came out in the 1990s, it was created to appeal to the professional and luxury camera market. And personally, I have yet to come across a 35 mm film camera that can create images as sharp as the ones I’ve gotten with the Contax T2. It makes sense that once the secret was out, this camera blew up. There’s a reason all of these celebrities are using this camera and it’s because they want the best and this is it. It automatically makes everything look high fashion and amazing because of the sharp lens. Plus it’s small and inconspicuous, yet beautiful to look at.

But is it Worth the Expensive Price Tag?

Personally, the Contax T2 is a missing a key function that I NEED in a camera - a multiple exposure function. While, yes, you can rewind the film and shoot over the images you’ve already taken, I prefer to have more control over my multiple exposures. Because of this, I don’t end up using the camera very often. It’s just a personal preference that I’ve discovered about myself as a photographer over the years. However, my Contax T2 was having a bit of trouble at one point with the battery connections and would occasionally lock up in the middle of taking a photo. Because of this, I’d shut down and restart the camera and it would accidentally shoot over the same frame, causing accidental double exposures. I’ve included a few of these images below. However, they were not planned and don’t necessarily count as a positive attribute of the camera. Since then, I’ve figured out a loophole for stopping the camera from freezing mid-shot, by pushing down the shutter button very slowly but firmly. I’ve been meaning to send my Contax T2 off for service, but when I discovered that it was a minimum of $400 to repair it, I decided to hold off for the moment (Nippon Photoclinic was the only professional camera repair store I could find that I would trust with my Contax T2). Plus, I don’t really mind these accidental double exposures. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the Contax T2 is expensive to repair. The camera itself isn’t getting any younger either, as they were initially released in the early 1990s and are now around 30 years old. The reality is, if you DO want to try this camera out, it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. They aren’t going to last forever and in today’s world, they’re probably just going to get MORE expensive. If you’re desperate to try it out, I recommend keeping an eye on the Ebay listings for a few weeks to get an idea of the price point they’re going for. Sometimes, one will pop up that might fly under the radar and end up getting yourself a good deal. You can also set a price watch on Amazon and watch for fluctuations in price. KEH camera also gets them in every once in a while and have a thorough testing and rating system for their used items.

Would I Purchase a Contax T2 Today?

Probably not. It’s an incredible camera but without a multiple exposure function, it’s hard for me to justify spending that much money on a camera I just wouldn’t use very often. However, I am glad that I had the chance to experience the camera because it is pretty amazing. I love how sharp the photographs are and I especially love how small and easy it is to travel with. It packs a lot into a tiny little camera body. Plus, the titanium body is truly beautiful and makes the camera feel and look expensive when you’re holding it in your hand. As a Japanese camera brand, you can expect attention to detail and quality. Even the protective camera case it comes with feels soft and amazing in your hands. I’ve considered selling my Contax T2 many times, since I don’t get around to using it very often. Even with the battery issues I’ve been having, I could still probably sell it for more than I purchased it for. But there really is something special about the Contax T2 so I’m finding it hard to let it go. If you have the money and are willing to invest, you won’t be disappointed by the camera quality and sharpness of the photographs. Just make sure you get one that doesn’t have any previously known issues and that comes from a reputable seller. I think the Contax T2 is worth all of the hype, as long as you’re not breaking the bank to purchase it. Sure, there are other high end 35 mm cameras out there that are more affordable, but I have yet to come across one that beats the quality of the Contax T2.

Where TO Buy a Contax T2:



KEH Camera


I’ve included a few of my favorite images I’ve taken over the years with my Contax T2. I also posted a review on my YouTube channel, so be sure to check that out too!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. Thanks so much for stopping by!

<3 Myles Katherine

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Fujifilm Instax Mini Review with Sample Photos | 3 Reasons Why the Instax Mini is Making a Comeback in my Camera Bag

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. 

I recently made a post about the Lomography Lomo’Instant Wide. While I love that camera, it is SUPER bulky and difficult to travel with. Sadly, it usually ends up sitting on my shelf and missing out on my photo shoots. I have quite a collection of instant film cameras so it’s always a process deciding which ones to take with me when I travel or have a photo shoot. I mix and match most of the time, but lately I’ve found myself bringing my Fujifilm Instax Mini along for the ride. I have an older version of the camera (the Instax Mini 8, featured in the photo above), but the newest version, the Instax Mini 12, is way more user-friendly and is much more reliable than the one that I have. They are all somewhat similar though, whichever version you end up going with. The Instax Mini takes Instax Mini Film, which you can easily buy in bulk on Amazon. There are a ton of reasons why these little cameras are great, but here are my 3 favorite features of the Instax Mini:


    If you’ve ever tried shooting instant film, you’ll quickly learn it’s EXPENSIVE. The good news is, the Instax Mini film is the cheapest out of all of them. Especially if you buy in bulk on Amazon, the photographs can end up being as low as $0.75 each. With other instant film brands, they can cost as much as $3-4 per photograph (or even more depending on the format), which can get pricey REALLY quickly. Because of this, the Instax Mini is one of the most approachable instant film cameras, especially if you’re not a professional photographer and just want to capture everyday moments with your friends and family. But also, if you ARE a professional photographer, you aren’t going to break the bank shooting with the Instax Mini.


    Over the years, Fujifilm has perfected the Instax Mini. It now has a selfie mirror, automatic exposure and flash settings and an integrated app to scan your photos for uploading to social media. It really doesn’t get any easier than that. While I haven’t upgraded my super old Instax Mini 8 yet, I’ve used my sister’s Instax Mini 11 and it is leaps and bounds better than mine in terms of ease of use. The newer Instax Minis (version 11 and 12) have automatic exposure and flash control and prevent you from wasting film if you don’t have it on the right setting. Now, you can just turn the camera on, take a photo and voila! It’s perfectly exposed and adorable. At this point, I’ve gotten used to the wonky settings on my Instax Mini 8, but I do plan on upgrading soon. :)


    If you’ve been following my work, you know that I always bring at least a dozen cameras with me when I travel. The size and weight of a camera is a major factor in whether it will make the cut or not. The Instax Mini is one of the smallest cameras I have, so I can almost ALWAYS find a little spot for it in my bag. For a few years, my Instax Mini 8 was somewhat forgotten because I was focusing on using so many of my other cameras. But lately, I’ve been bringing it to nearly every shoot and loving the photos I’ve been creating with it. It’s making a comeback, that’s for sure!

I’ve included a ton of sample photos below. I hope this helps you decide whether the Instax Mini is right for you. It’s an amazing starter camera if you’re just getting into instant photography. And even for professional photographers, it offers an affordable way to give your clients something unique and tangible.








If you found this post helpful or if you’d like to see more of my work, I’d love it if you considered signing up for my Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you’ll get early access to all of my YouTube videos, plus tons of photos that I don’t post anywhere else. Depending on which tier you choose, you could also receive seasonal prints and/or discounts! I always use all of the proceeds towards film & processing. Find out more here!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. :)

<3 Myles Katherine