Top 5 Affordable Cameras for Beginner Film Photographers | Best 35mm, 120 and Polaroid Cameras for Beginners, Amateur and Professional Photographers


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5 Cameras for Beginner Film Photographers

I’ve tried out a LOT of cameras over the years. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve met a camera that I didn’t like. However, there are a few that tend to make it into my camera bag more often than others. I’m always looking for cameras that are capable of meeting all of my personal needs as a photographer. Every photographer is different, but for me those personal needs are: simplicity, multiple exposures and lightweight body. I travel quite a bit and I hate carrying around a super heavy camera bag. I’ve learned to fill my bag with cameras that are light and small, instead of gigantic and heavy. I’m always jealous of those photographers that just have one camera in their bag with an assortment of lenses. MUST BE NICE. I just like to have options and I like to allow myself creativity in as many ways as possible. I’m just not a minimalist, as much as I wish I was! I wanted to share the top 5 cameras that tend to make it into my camera bag more often than not. All of these cameras are GREAT for beginners because they offer a TON of different features but are also all very simple to use. Not to mention, they’re affordable, collectible and fun!


You guys KNOW I’m obsessed with the Holga. I believe that every photographer should have one of these on their shelf and try it out at some point. To me, it’s a great way to begin understanding photography from a very basic level. It’s reminiscent of an older time, but has that cute, quirky style and is still being produced today. Sadly, it’s only being produced in the solid black color today, but you can find the fun, colorful ones on eBay. It’s essentially a pinhole camera, but with a few more features and easier controls. I love this camera so much that I’ve dedicated an entire blog post and YouTube video to it. This is the camera that always makes it into my camera bag no matter what. If I’m walking around town with only one camera, it’s this one. There is a 35mm version of this camera too (I just recently made a YouTube video about it!) but I prefer the 120 version. 120 film is slowly dying (for some reason!) so as a photographer, I beg of you to continue supporting 120 film. The negatives are much larger than 35mm which allows you much more detail and capability for printing. KEEP 120 FILM ALIVE!


Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on Amazon

Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on eBay!

Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on KEH Camera


Lomography 400 120 film

Kodak Portra 160 120 film

Kodak Portra 400 120 film



The Minolta Maxxum STsi is actually a newer camera to my collection but it has moved up to the top VERY quickly. It just has every single feature I like in a 35 mm film camera. A zoom lens, autofocus, panorama mode, multiple exposure mode, lightweight body, flash and auto setting. This is a PERFECT choice for any beginner 35mm film photographer. I have the AF 28-85mm 3.5-4.5 Zoom lens, which I purchased separately from the kit lens. This lens is a little bit sharper and better quality than the kit lens. Also, this camera is SUPER affordable and makes a great gift. I’m truly in love with mine and it’s my number one choice now for traveling when I’m grabbing my 35mm cameras. You can read more about this camera in my blog post here!

I purchased the body ($18) and the AF 28-85mm 3.5-4.5 Zoom lens ($25) separately, both on eBay. Browse through the available options here for the body or here for the lens!

But you can also find it on Amazon, Etsy, or KEH Camera. There are a ton of different versions of this camera, so if you ever have questions, I recommend calling KEH Camera and asking them what they’d recommend if they don’t have the STsi version. They’re always great with giving advice on film cameras.


Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Kodak Portra 160 35mm film

Lomography 100 35mm film



This is probably the most expensive camera on this list but if you’re looking for a tad bit nicer camera with an amazing lens, I recommend the Nikon FE2 or FE3. These are on-par with the Canon AE-1 (which is also an incredible camera but doesn’t have a multiple exposure feature). I went into Blue Moon Camera in Portland, Oregon one day, asking if they had the Pentax K1000 or Canon AE-1. However, after chatting with the sales associate for a while, we decided the Nikon FE2 would be more my speed. I absolutely need a multiple exposure feature and I prefer to have an aperture-priority setting as well, especially when shooting weddings. The Nikon FE2 met all of my requirements. However, it is manual focus which takes some getting used to. Once you get the hang of it though, the photographs are incredibly sharp and beautiful, with a lovely bokeh blur and crispness that you won’t get with cheaper cameras like the Minolta Maxxum I mentioned above. The Nikon FE2 is more on the professional side and is really a collector’s item. It’s a beautiful camera with that classic old-school look to it. You can’t go wrong with this camera. I’ll never ever get rid of mine. I have a YouTube video and full blog post about this camera too!


Purchase a Nikon FE2 on Amazon!

Purchase a Nikon FE2 on eBay!

Purchase a Nikon FE2 on KEH Camera!


50mm f/1.4 AF Nikkor

35-70mm f/3.3 AF Nikkor (more affordable zoom lens)


Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Kodak Portra 160 35mm

Lomography 100 35mm film



While I believe that every photographer should have a Holga, I also equally believe that every photographer should have a Polaroid camera. After a long and arduous process, the Polaroid brand is finally back up and running, producing new cameras and film. Thank the heavens above! Personally, I have the Polaroid One-Step 600 and Polaroid Impulse. Both of these are incredibly easy to use, sturdy and super cute on the shelf. I was lucky enough to receive them as heirlooms from my family members but you can still find vintage versions of the One-Step and Impulse on Amazon, eBay and KEH Camera. Or, if you prefer new cameras, Polaroid has recently released the Polaroid Now and Polaroid Go cameras. Everyone loves a Polaroid. They’re instantly gratifying, have beautiful color tones and are just plain fun to have at a party or event. I always bring a Polaroid camera with me to every shoot. It’s nice to have a physical print from each shoot as a keepsake. Check out my YouTube video from our trip to Japan where I took photos with the Polaroid One-Step 600! Or you can check out my blog post to see tons of sample photos I’ve taken with this camera over the years.


Purchase a Polaroid One-Step 600 on Amazon!

Purchase a Polaroid One-Step 600 on eBay!

Purchase a Polaroid One-Step 600 on KEH Camera!

Purchase a Polaroid Now or Polaroid Go on!


Purchase 600 film on Amazon!


The Canon Rebel K2 is another affordable 35mm film camera that I always recommend when friends and family ask me what camera they should get before they go on a big trip. This was my very first 35mm film camera and definitely holds a special place in my heart. There’s not really anything super duper special about this camera, but it just happens to meet all of my personal requirements for a travel camera. It weighs next to nothing, has a flash, zoom lens, multiple exposure setting, autofocus, aperture priority, shutter priority, and full auto setting. It’s not the sharpest camera in the world, but there’s a certain nostalgia that the photos seem to have, especially when shooting in black and white. I took this camera with me on my first trip to Paris, and I’m still obsessed with the photos I took on that trip. I even recreated those photos on a recent trip to Paris and made a YouTube video about it! I also have a how-to YouTube video and blog post about this camera too, with tons of sample photos. The Canon Rebel G is incredibly similar to this camera too, if you’re not able to find a Canon Rebel K2.


Purchase a Canon Rebel K2 on KEH Camera

Purchase a Canon Rebel K2 on eBay!

Purchase a Canon Rebel K2 on Amazon!


Neopan Acros 100 35mm B&W film

Kodak Gold 200 35mm film

Lomography 100 35mm film


If you found this post helpful or if you’d like to see more of my work, I’d love it if you considered signing up for my Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you’ll get early access to all of my YouTube videos, plus tons of photos that I don’t post anywhere else. Depending on which tier you choose, you could also receive seasonal prints and/or discounts! I always use all of the proceeds towards cameras, film & processing. Find out more here!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And don’t forget to stop by my Amazon storefront for more camera/film recommendations. :)

Have a great day!
<3 Myles Katherine


How to Create Double Exposures and Multiple Exposures with a Holga Toy Camera | 5 Simple Tips and Tricks with Sample Photos!


This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. 

How Do You Create Double Exposures and Multiple Exposures with a Holga Toy Camera?

This HAS to be my most frequently asked question. If you follow my work you know I’m obsessed with the Holga and multiple exposures (specifically, the Holga GCFN). I still remember the very first double exposure I ever took and the excitement I felt when I realized what had happened. I suddenly felt like the opportunities were endless when it came to photography. I realized that photography didn’t necessarily need to mimic real life. I could create a world that didn’t exist, by merging photos taken directly from reality. That juxtaposition blew my mind and really catapulted my interest in photography.

It might seem intimidating at first when it comes to creating multiple exposures. I think there’s an innate and expected fear that they’re going to be TERRIBLE. That they won’t make sense. That no one will know what they’re looking at. But guess what, that’s FINE! In fact, it’s better than taking the same boring photo that everyone else takes. It takes some time to get used to layering images and understanding how the final product is going to turn out. But even now, with a decade of experience under my belt, I still don’t feel like I have complete control over my multiple exposures. I always have an expectation in my mind and it never quite fits with how I envision them. Either they’re not as good as I’d hoped, or they’re even better. And usually the ones that I’m just messing around with end up being the best. It’s really better NOT to plan. To just try out different textures and faces and landscapes and see how they turn out.

In case you’re having some trouble getting started though, here are a few tips for creating multiple exposures with a Holga camera. The Holga is one of the best cameras, in my opinion, to try out multiple exposures. But first, you have to understand HOW to take a multiple exposure. It’s actually SUPER simple. After taking a photograph, you just simply don’t wind the film advance dial at all. You just take another photo right over top of the first one. And you can do this as many times as you want, which is why I love the Holga so much. A lot of film cameras will automatically advance to the next frame, leaving you without the option to shoot over top of the first frame. The Holga is meant for multiple exposures. It’s very easy to accidentally take a multiple exposure with the Holga too, simply because it is a manual advance camera. So oftentimes, you might nor even mean to take a photo over top of another one, it just might happen. Actually, it WILL happen at some point if you use the Holga. It’s just part of the magic of the camera!

5 Simple Tips and Tricks for Creating Incredible Double & Multiple Exposures with the Holga Toy Camera

Tip #1 - Try out a portrait over top of a landscape!

This is probably one of my main choices for creating double exposures. It usually ends up quite interesting and beautiful. I’ll shoot the first image on the infinity/mountain setting of the Holga and then shoot the second image as a close-up portrait using the single-person setting on the Holga.

Tip #2 - Try asking your subject to move slightly / try a new pose in-between images

This is another go-to for me when it comes to double exposures. It ends up creating very ghostly, spooky images that are incredibly unique and unpredictable. These are often my favorite photos to get back after a photo shoot.

Tip #3 - Try out different close-up textures as your second image

This one is somewhat of a risk, but oftentimes pays off! If the texture is too much, it can sometimes end up being a big indecipherable mess. But other times, it can add a bit of mystery and atmosphere to your photo.

Tip #4 - Try flipping your camera upside down for a second shot of the same subject

This is really fun to try with cityscapes, buildings and landmarks, mostly because they don’t move and you have enough time to plan out your shot.

Tip #5 - Try having your model step out of the second shot, but keep the background the same

This creates a very ghostly vibe, because the model becomes somewhat hazy and somewhat see-through. This is definitely another one of my favorite multiple exposure methods when using the Holga.

I’ve included a few more samples below of my favorite double/multiple exposures I’ve taken over the years with the Holga. It’s gotten to a point where I won’t even buy a camera anymore if it doesn’t have the option for multiple exposures! It’s become a huge part of my process and I feel extremely limited now when I’m not able to create them. If you’re interested in multiple exposures, you should definitely pick up a Holga and try it out! You can also check out my full review and blog post about the Holga here. Or you can check out my YouTube video! I LOVE the Holga. My main advice though is to be patient when you’re first starting out. You can’t expect perfection when it comes to the Holga. It has a mind of its own. But if you’re willing to learn its eccentricities, it will surprise you.


Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on Amazon

Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on eBay!

Purchase a Holga 120 GCFN on KEH Camera


Lomography 400 120 film

Kodak Portra 160 120 film

Kodak Portra 400 120 film


If you’re interested in supporting my work and seeing lots more videos in the future, be sure to check out my Patreon! As a patron, you’ll receive early access to my YouTube videos, as well as access to never-before-seen images and seasonal prints, depending on the tier you sign up for.

Feel free to leave any thoughts/comments/questions/concerns below! Thanks so much for stopping by. And don’t forget to stop by my Amazon storefront for more camera/film recommendations. :)

<3 Myles Katherine


Holga 120 GCFN Review & How-To with Sample Images | The Best Camera in the World!


(This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links.)

If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with the Holga camera. It goes everywhere I go and it’s a huge reason why I became a photographer in the first place. It takes the dreamiest images AND it’s super easy to use! For being considered a “toy camera”, it truly has unlimited potential. I wanted to share a few pros and cons of the Holga, and share a ton of images so you can decide if this camera is for you! I prefer the Holga GCFN model, but all of the versions are great and can create unique, beautiful photographs.

I also have a YouTube video about the Holga, where I share all of my favorite things about the camera as well as tips and tricks for how to get the best photos possible. If you want to see the camera in action, make sure to check out my adventure video from last month too, where I took the camera to Las Vegas with me!

Okay! Let’s get into it.



    One of the best things about the Holga is that it’s super affordable, especially if you’re just getting into film photography. They range from about $40-100 depending on which model you’re purchasing or if you’re buying it new or used. You can find my favorite model, the Holga GCFN on Amazon, or you can find used versions of the GCFN in various colors on eBay. They only make new Holga GCFNs in black at the moment, so any colorful ones you’ll find have been used or are not being sold new from the factory.


    The Holga weighs practically nothing. They are made with a plastic body and are called “toy cameras” for a reason. They literally feel like a toy! The fact that they are so light make them great for travel. I’ve taken mine all over the world! They are also surprisingly sturdy. I dropped mine in a river in Japan and it somehow kept working!


    Part of the magic of shooting with a Holga camera is that they are entirely unpredictable. I’ll have an idea in my mind of what my images are going to look like, but every time I get my film back, I’m surprised! It’s easy to get light leaks or accidental multiple exposures, which is why I love this camera so much. I’ve been using the Holga since about 2010 so I’ve had years of experience with it at this point and have learned to love its quirks. My advice is to give it a few rolls before giving up. The first roll of film can sometimes be disheartening, but I promise you it’s worth it if you stick with it and learn from each roll of film you shoot.


    While the Holga is intimidating in it’s own right, it is actually an incredibly basic camera. There are only three settings you need to worry about before taking each photo - distance, aperture, and flash. There is also a setting on the bottom of the camera that says “B” or “N”, which stands for “bulb” and “normal” and is in relation to shutter speed. I always leave mine taped to the N setting, because sometimes it will accidentally switch to the bulb setting on it’s own and I’ll end up with blurry images. The N (normal) setting is about 1/100th of a second and will result in much sharper images. It’s also important to make sure the distance setting you choose is accurate. I leave mine in the landscape or “mountain” setting the majority of the time. This leads to a better likelihood of getting a sharp image. You can mess with the other distance settings if your subject is a little closer to you, but just remember to switch it back later!


    I get so many comments about my Holga cameras when I have them out and about with me. And I’ve also collected over a dozen of them at this point, in all sorts of colors and model numbers. They look cute up on a shelf and they are a conversation starter, for sure! At this point, i’ve gotten so many people hooked on the Holga and it’s actually super important to keep people shooting with the 120 version because, sadly, 120 film is slowly dying. Personally, I don’t understand why because it’s an absolutely stunning film format with huge, sharp negatives. Help keep 120 film alive and try out the Holga! If you’re really not ready for 120 film though, you can always try the Holga 135BC first, the 35mm version of the Holga camera. You can read my full blog post about it here or watch my YouTube video here!


    It takes a while to get to this point, but when you finally get an image with no motion blur or accidental movement, the Holga can take some incredibly sharp photos. This is also why I almost exclusively shoot with the Holga GCFN version, because it comes with a glass lens instead of a plastic lens. If you just so happen to get all of the settings right with the right film stock, the Holga will surprise you with its capabilities. If you’re having issues getting a sharp photo, I recommend taking a roll of Kodak Portra 400 120 film to the beach on a sunny day, make sure the camera is on the “N” (normal) setting and not the “B” (bulb) setting and see what you end up with!



    I think the most difficult part about the Holga is putting in the time and effort to understand it. Your first few rolls of film will not be great, I’m warning you now. But just keep taking it along with you on adventures and I promise, one day, you’ll end up with a roll of film that you’re obsessed with. I also would tell anyone just starting out with any sort of film photography, do not expect perfection. Film photography is meant to be rough around the edges. Expect grain and light leaks and multiple exposures and wrong settings. But take what you’ve learned and apply it to the next roll of film. It’s a learning experience and it’s something you can continue to grow with every day.


    As with most cheap film cameras, they function best in bright, daylight conditions. If you’re shooting indoors, make sure to use the flash and stay within 8 feet of your subject for best results. You have to find a balance between ISO and sharpness when it comes to the Holga. And by that I mean, once you start getting over 400 ISO with your film, the images will become more grainy and less sharp. I always recommend 400 ISO film to anyone just starting out with the Holga because it’s nice and sharp but also works decently well in low light. If it’s a cloudy day and you’ll potentially be shooting in the shade or indoors, I’d recommend an 800 ISO film. If you’re going to be outside on the beach, I’d recommend a 100-200 speed film like Lomography Color Negative 100, Kodak Portra 160, or Kodak Gold 200.


    Honestly, it’s hard for me to think of cons for this camera! And to me, “weird photos” are not a negative trait of the camera, but I know it is to some people. I always find it strange when people complain about the fact that their camera created a multiple exposure or when they don’t like the light leaks. i’m sorry, I just can’t relate. I’m obsessed with multiple exposures and light leaks. So…. take this trait with a grain of salt and decide for yourself!

Below, I’ve included all of the images featured in the video so you can take a closer look at them. These are some of my favorite images I’ve taken over the years. A few of them have actually won awards and have been featured in gallery shows across the US!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! You should definitely pick up a Holga (purchase your own here) if you get the chance. They are super affordable as well, ranging from $40-100 depending on which version and color you are interested in. I prefer the Holga 120 GCFN model, which features a glass lens and a built-in flash. This helps me get even sharper images than the traditional plastic lens Holga and allows me to photograph in lower light situations. The Holga, in general, requires a lot of light to perform well, so that built-in flash can really make a difference on those cloudy days or when you’re shooting indoors.



eBay (you can find more fun color options here)


KEH Camera


Lomography 400 120 film

Lomography 100 120 film (for shooting in bright daylight)

Kodak Portra 160 120 film

Kodak Portra 400 120 film

Kodak Gold 200 120 film


If you found this post helpful or if you’d like to see more of my work, I’d love it if you considered signing up for my Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you’ll get early access to all of my YouTube videos, plus tons of photos that I don’t post anywhere else. Depending on which tier you choose, you could also receive seasonal prints and/or discounts! I always use all of the proceeds towards cameras, film & processing. Find out more here!

Have a magical day!

<3 Myles Katherine

(click to enlarge images)

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