New Year Wedding Photography Discounts!

Happy 2015, everyone! I have absolutely no idea what this year will hold. Usually I’m terrified by that thought, but I have decided to welcome this year with open arms. There will be ups and downs and surprises and decisions and I’m ready for it. I can only hope that I will learn as much and grow as much as I did this past year. Most importantly, I hope to stay true to my work and myself. I still believe that honesty and humility are the most important parts of running your own business and I plan to stick to that. As a gift to all of my future clients, I will continue to offer $200 off any wedding photography package (excluding elopement), and 10% off any other photo shoot until February 14th. Just be sure to mention this when you get in touch!
I’m so excited to work with you!

View more photos from the shoot featured below.

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